Friday, December 20, 2013

Montenegro - Crna Gora, 2013 (still not all):

12-2013 "Aviation - 100 year":

As this year, few countries made this topical, I have privilege to compare just three countries, and have so bad feeling when talking Montenegro issue. Are this people, who decide to go out with such naive, simple, not attractive design, really thinking that it is the way to promote own country with stamp as this?

There, I have in stock issue from Serbia and Israel. Compare it with Montenegro, and say which one You will buy! Montenegro made one simple "sketch" of airplane on one stamp, and Serbia go with booklet format of six perfectly made stamp, Israel go with three postage stamp, that have design far above art. More than that, Israel made also booklet option, and one expensive printing sheet edition! All with intention of celebrating 100 yr of aviation in the own country, and it is not "just" day - it is very important event for any serious country!

Single stamp, Sep. 5, 2013,  0.30 euro face value, sheet format of 20 stamps.

13-2013 "National Hero Lj. Cupic":

If Montenegro Post want to celebrate JUST 100 year of birth for this person, design is "in frame". But because this person made some event, left an great mark on Yugoslavia (Montenegro) hard time during WWII, this issue need much-much more artist design and public attention. Here is talking about hero, that stand "death row" with smile on the face till last second of his life. Making enemy soldier so desperate, that story about him go for long time, till today around!

Again, one stamp in, low face value of 0.30 euro, date of issue Oct. 10, 2013, sheet of 20.

14-2013 "Joy of Europe":

I have feeling that "artist idea" in design power is going empty, as year come to the end!
Nice topic, that come on market every year, "Joy of Europe" mean, "Joy of Young", joy of children - and probably it need to be one nice design, that adult person will "at first glance" understand that here is talking about youth, about young people, about health future of nation.
From design that we have now, I see one nice children drawing, that will push You to think about some kind of "dream" to fly own life in the dark sky!

What to say? Nothing! I keep silent!

Again one stamp here, in sheet of 8 + 1 gutter, now with much higher face value of 0.95 euro.
Issued on Oct. 22, 2013.

Postage Due 2013:

As usually, every few months gov't will collect some money to support cause of Red Cross and anti-TBC fighting. Even that I think, that it need to be basic obligation of gov't alone, there is practice, to collect revenue from public that send and use post service. On every mail, at the specific time period, must be attached one stamp whole week. Single stamp have face value of 0.25 euro, that is not small amount to pay! And no dealer will give it less than 1.00 euro per single.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Montenegro - Crna Gora - next in this year:

5-2013 EUROPA - Postal Vehicles:

This single stamp, of really high face value (for Montenegro standard), 0.95 euro for single stamp!
What to say!? Just - bad as can be! What is that "artist expression" of  "splashed color" on FDC and on stamp design alone! I understand art as basic, and expression as my graphic design education that I have, but when we talk about design of postage stamp, we can not simply made one "avantgarde" design and what ordinary people and collectors will understand - it is not artist problem!

I personally think, that artist wish to "splash color" on EUROPA (in indirect way of expression), what other reason can be to made such "naive" work!

As is - is, single stamp, on market April 19, 2013, worth to buy? You decide!

6-2013 "125 year of Property Code":

Again one unnecessary issue! It is nice to celebrate 125 year of something, I don't say no, but to celebrate some "General Property Code" is very strange by my opinion!
There is lot of other "happening" that make much bigger mark on Montenegro, and this "Property Code" - is something that can be on margin of history, not forgotten, but also not so big significance that deserve postage stamp!
Single stamp, come on market on May 10, 2013, low face value of 0.30 euro, that will hardly go up with catalog value any time soon!

7-2013 "Tourism":

To cry? No, not worth it! See what they made! One set of two green stamp! With picture of "hiking" and "Biking" - I really wish to see who will go hiking on Montenegro mountain! This who will do it will be called avanturist and not tourist! All around is in green color, (US$ in mind?), and worst of all, it come out in booklet format too! Booklet? All but not booklet - because cover of same are two time size of stamp that need to be inside cover, properly attached on cover - we don't have it all!

Now, You will need in collection two stamp like set + booklet, that will cost You by face value of 1.40 euro, and printing sheet of 20 that 99% of collectors will avoid!

Set come on market on May 14, 2013 - nothing to say "great"!

8-2013 "Olive Tree":

Issue come on market at may 23, 2013, with still "green color" in use, all of this are in green color! Understand that olive come in this color, but when I look on stamp, hardly that I can understand about what is here talking! Too confusing design, FDC as simple as can be!
Low face value of 0.30 euro, can be single satisfaction for collectors!

9-2013 "Sport":

You know, at first glance, I say "Fine - Finally" but, I calm down quickly! Issue come on market at June 7, 2013 with two stamp in set, where I see big name EUROBASKET! We know that there in Slovenia is happening Championship in Basketball, and nice that Montenegro issue stamp to celebrate this, but to mix one issue with second stamp in, and topic of second stamp is Football Club of Lovcen - hey guy, what is that now? 
design is more or less right, but - don't mix it together, we all know what that mean for topical collectors!

10-2013 "Edict of Milan":

Here it come one very-very important happening in history of all SLAVENS on the Balkan, and Montenegro come to with one single stamp celebrating this history! Single stamp come on market at June 26, 2013 - again low face value of 0.30 euro, with very simple, but sympathetic design. Probably not so attractive like Serbian issue for this 1700 years of Edict of Milan (where is on year 313 allowed to Christian to freely preach religion), but still nice! 

11-2013 "Ship - Seamanship":

When we made stamp with topic of "Seamanship" or "Ship", we want at first sight to see "Ship" on stamp, but Post of Montenegro didn't think this way! They made one stamp, that can be included in "Persons on Stamp" topic and not in this "Navigation" or "Ship" topic!
Here we have one statue of person, and on background of design we have navigation instrument and book of captain - what is that! If not FDC design, where we can clearly understand that this issue have "Navy" connection (ship on it), we will be in very dire situation to miss this issue in collection!
Nothing more I can say! Issue come on market at June 28, 2013 with low face value of 0.30 euro.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Montenegro - Crna Gora, 2013 first four issue:

Finally, after so great effort and few "pilot" supplier, I made one contact from Montenegro, who, with big surprise, was effective, expeditive, precise - and most of all polite in dealing with client! (me).

Strange for You? Probably not for You so strange, but who know "Balkan" mentality will be very surprised!
As is - we advanced with second order from there, and let's see what will happen!
Here it is, first four issue in 2013:

1-2013, "Art in Montenegro":

What to say, Montenegro post continue with same "kind of design" to produce postage stamp, that can be classified like un-attractive, full of "hard" color, and I just have feeling that they absolutely didn't care about collectors opinion or even more, about attracting people to montenegro by use of Philately!

Here come this first issue in set of four stamp, with topic "Art" - can You see here one stamp that can really fit to "Art" topic? No, there was "Important People" (local), part of "National Costume", and "Icons" - all together mixed, can be some kind of "sub-Art" topic, but for sure not in main topic of "Art"!
Issue come out on Jan. 31, 2013 - four value, with face value of 2.45 euro per set! Not low value at all, it will be sold from dealer for double face value (4.50 euro), but if You want to specialize this country, and wish to have also printing sheet of 20, that will cost You lot - I just asked few dealer, to inform me about availability of printing sheet of 20, and all told me to prepare 100.00 euro +!!!
Reason? 15 000 set printed, some sold to "big" dealer in germany, some to every PO Branch, and what is left, is little to find freely on market!

2-2013, "Njegos'", writer, ruler, poet:

What to say, to celebrate 200 years of birth of this kind people, that actually made all Balkan countries more educated and organized, and to made so poor design - by my opinion, it is provocation! It is not enough just to print face of this respected person, no, it is not the way!
Issue come out on Feb. 22, 2013, single stamp, low as possible face value of 0.30 euro,  15 000 single stamp printed - let's see if You will have it in collection! It is printed in format of 8 stamp and gutter on middle, which resulted of 1875 small sheet on the market - 90% will be sold in this format, (1680) - too low for market!

3-2013, 200 year of annexation of Boka:

Even that official name for this issue use word "Union" instead of "Annexation", it will make just small difference, but actually difference are big!
Boka was not united with Montenegro, it was annexed by Montenegro, and same Njegos' ruler, after they defend French Napoleon Army, and declared union on 1813.
Design? No, it is far from "design of post stamp"! if You see, it is just "200" on postage stamp! What is behind "200" simple collector will not know if he will not read Wikipedia!
Single stamp, out on market on Feb. 27, 2013, again low value of 0.30 euro, again 15 000 printed, but now in printing sheet of 20, which will give You just 750 printing sheets available for specialized collectors of this country!

4-2013, "Flora and Fauna of Montenegro":

I have need to cry over this issue!
What is this olive color on the whole sheet? Something that suggest what? What it will (this color) confers? Are designer think that collectors will use magnifier to enjoy this flower and butterfly?
Issue come out on March 15, 2013, two stamp in set, face value of set is 1.75 euro! Where is logic?
For "important people" You print lowest possible face value, and for "Flora and Fauna" highest?
I can call it something like "less work - more profit" attempt! Let's see if market will buy it!

Again just 15 000 sets printed, in sheet of 20, 750 sheets available on market - and if someone will give it to You by double face value - take it!
(In confidence - dealer are asking 150.00 euro for sheet of 20).

Saturday, April 06, 2013

2012 - Nothing better in Montenegro

Why I made headline on this way?
Because service in Montenegro Post are constantly bad, and not at the time. I have big trouble to obtain new issue at the day of issue, because this "old" manner and "style" that are in power.
From other collectors, even inside Montenegro, I hear some complain: long time for delivery, payment in advance, no CC accepted, damaged stamp, printing sheet delivered without border tabs, folded stamp, and it go further like wrongly delivered stamp, not full order etc.
What I hear between line is, that gov't made it intentionally, degrade quality of company, made it unprofitable, go near bankrupt, and sell it to private investor for low value, without any obligation to workers, and all will be according EU rules and law.

As is - is. It take me half year to complete 2012 year issues and here it is:

1-2012 "Art in Montenegro":

Issued at Jan 27, 2012, set of 4 value, total face value 2.45 euro, that will cost You on market near 5.00 euro, because no one have it seriously to supply. This 4 stamp come with salute to: Montenegro military Music, Nikola Vujosevich, Ilija Sobajic, Risto Stijovic. Overall - not bad design, but not something that will lead You to really "Art" topic.

2-2012 "Manuscript":

Issue come like single value stamp, on Feb 22, 2012 with 0.30 euro face value celebrating 750 years of "Ilovica Manuscript", one of oldest manuscript in Slavic language, something that is really important for whole region around this territory, not just for Montenegro alone.
Design is really nice, but too small that You can not see even single Slavic letter there - You must take lense and see still nothing! But they improve it on FDC cover, where You have this text in really big format!

3-2012 "Dynasty":

Printed on Feb 27, 2012, to celebrate 650 year of Second Montenegro Dynasty. For country, where mentality and "proud" is still today "brothers" - it is nothing strange to see this issue, because it remind other "who is who" in small country of Montenegro. But one good thing come with this issue, and it is that we can learn, that "at the beginning" it was NOT Montenegro! I see there, that first come name like ZETA, DUKLJA. And if we want to be fair - and behave  according today's rule of democracy, Montenegro must have back own territory that (at the time of 1300+ year) reach as far as Albania, to Croatia.

Face value of 0.30 euro, acceptable for single stamp, that can be included in "Map on Stamp" topic and "Coat of Arms".

4-2012 "Flora":

Issued on March 16, 2012, with two stamp in set, with grape and nettle on it. Stamp are just fine for topic, but someone can think that they celebrate wine, not flora (FDC are in this design).
0.30 and 0.90 euros per set, little bit expensive for local population.

5-2012 "Navy-Ship-Admiral":

May 10, 2012 come with issue celebrating "Recognition to the Zmajevic's" (May 10, 1737), where is written: "...Secret Council of Perast municipality paid tribute to Matija Zmajevic, the celebrated admiral of the Russian fleet...".
One nice issue, with even better design of FDC. 0.30 euro per single stamp, take it to the "Navy" topic - it fit well.

6-2012 "Tourism":

What to say? existed better way to promote tourism in Montenegro! May 14, 2012 - high value issue (2.35 euro per set of 4), with "drawing" that no one will notice.

7-2012 "Nature Protection":

If You want to kill taste of Philately and collecting, made lot of this design, and no one will buy it! What an naive design to say, that we need to protect frogs and ducks?!
May 21, 2012, two stamp in set, 1.25 euro face value - finally, not worth!

8-2012 "Olympic London":

June 8, 2012, set of two stamp, that come with logo and nice design, but 1.85 euro face value will make problem for ordinary collectors. FDC is nice made.

9-2012 "Battle":

I will rename it to tombstone - design have nothing to say to collectors that are not familiar with history of Montenegro, simple tombstone will say what to me? If I don't read text on back side of FDC - I will never know about what is talking!
Single stamp, worth 0.30 euro, come to market on June 25, 2012.

10-2012 "EU negotiation":

June 29, 2012, that mark opening of EU accession negotiation of Montenegro. Probably we will see some more stamp, in this topic to come, because this negotiation can go for long time to the future!
Design is more or less fine, but single stamp with 0.95 euro value?

11-2012 "Lighthouses":

July 6, 2012 with two stamp in set, affordable face value of 0.60 euro per set, and can say - worst image of lighthouses that I saw in my life! Are they just paying royalties to some pupils or they take design in very naive way?

12-2012 "Woman Handball":

July 27, 2012 one stamp, face value 0.30 euro, sheet of 8+1 tab, "standard" design - but nice.

13-2012 "Demarcation/Delimitation":

Oct 8, 2012, single stamp talking about agreement between Austria and Montenegro from 1837.
It is interesting, that after 175 years, separation - Montenegro are now beg to be included in same empire (just under another name)!!! One stamp, 0.30 euro that can be included to the topic "Map on stamp".

14-2012 "EUROPE":

Very strange issue - Oct 17, 2012!
Why strange? because on this two stamp, we have one tourist destination - Tara river, that is really one of latest place where nature is intact, but second stamp with "Sveti Stefan" to be on this stamp, and named like tourist destination is something very "not in place"!
Probably not everyone know, but entry to this place are very limited to tourist, and it is not under Montenegro ownership. This place are sold to Saudis, under renovation for long period, and now opened just to very-very rich people. How You promote to visit this place, and You know that I will be banned to visit it? probably I will pay to watch it from distance - isn't?
Two stamp in set, 1.75 euro face value.

15-2012 "Joy of Europe":

Oct 22, 2012, single stamp with face value of 0.90 euro. According design and actual situation in Europe, this is really one precise message! What we see on stamp, can be taken like "wizards stick" - isn't? It say lot!!!!

16-2012 "Historical Heritage":

Nov 12, 2012, four stamp in set, that represent some very interesting fact and place in Montenegro.
Monastery Piva, Pava and Ahmet, Battlefield and Printer Makarije.
Here I must to talk about "Pava and Ahmet", because this story was something that kept Yugoslavia intact for long period, and in the end, "super power" decided to torn it apart.
here come story of Pava, Christian lady and Ahmed Muslim man, that lived together and have very nice life. When she (Pava) die, she have tomb with cross and when Ahmet die, he insist that be buried near Pava tomb with crescent and star carved on tomb. By way - she never convert to Muslim religion, and still they lived together in peace!
Face value of this set of 4 go for 1.95 euro.

17-2012 "Olympic Medalist":

Dec 28, 2012, set of two, minimal value of 0.60 euro per set, celebrating woman handball, that win gold medal in European Championship and also medal in London Olympic.
One really great achievement by this team!

18-2012 "Stamp Day":

dec 14, 2012, "Stamp on Stamp" topic, single issue of 0.30 face value - nothing special - simple as can be.

"Red Cross" issue:

I don't have any information about this stamp, because Post of Montenegro is not responsible to issue, print and deliver this stamp, it is under, for me still unknown agency. What I can say, that one issue are for "Red Cross Week" - valid from May 8 to 15, second is for "Fight TBC" valid from Sept 14 to 21 and third come for "Red Cross Day" Nov 29 to dec 6.

I see two type of format, probably one on FC paper with slightly different design - but what is purpose of it - I really don't know. Face value unknow, but on market it go for 1.00 euro per single stamp.

just to mention, that we are in fourth months in 2013 year, and I still can not find reliable supplier for new issue of Montenegro. I don't have patience anymore for officials in Central Post, and in contact with other collectors from inside Montenegro, situation are very dare.