Postally Used Cover:
Just one sample, which made me angry.
See, this is cover from shipment of my order, first six issue, that was weight 477 gr.
Well packed, protected with heavy carton, inside all separated by envelopes, folders, stickers.
weight of ambalage have 80% of total weight, O.K. I agree with it, but I have great problem to accept postage, that I pay!!!
It is 12.35 Euro, and it is "in frame" with EU prices, (even that Montenegro is still far away from EU membership and law), BUT-BUT if I pay for postage, I want postage stamp to be attached on envelope, with clear cancel on it!!!!!!
What I received? Simple cover, simple label, no cancel.
Not something that I'm happy (yes - it is my problem and who care?).
I have just luck to noticed one cancel from Israelian Post Tax Authoriy, that stated "tax free", and one more "nice" point:
They still use post label (instead of postage stamp), that is inscribed "Jugoslavija", even that Yuogoslavia was destroied before few years, and Serbia and Montenegro (Country) is also gone, and Montenegro is independent country - but again, they still use "Jugoslavija" inscription.
What about prices for this item/s? I contacted few dealers there in Montenegro, and ALL of them, for simple "canceled to order" cover, they ask between 5-20 euros for each (regarding face value on it), and I think that for this really postally used, with label even, can reach, after few year, some around 15.00 Euro.
I have the same complaint. What good is buying foreign stamps from these philatelic centers for when they use labels as postage? As collectors, we always want stamps to be used as postage. We do not want to see labels; we are stamp collectors, not label collectors. It’s getting worse and worse every year, every body stopped using stamps and just send us a blank white envelope. I feel really bad buying from them already.
They use it because with postage stamp in post office - authority think - can be manipulation with money. Because that, all put to PC and label will print ammount, this is almost impossible to manipulate (say: stole). BUT!!!::: No one there care about philatelist and 'picture' of country! Because if postal clerc need to made manipulation on place of work, that mean it is in dare position with income - just this 'picture' will damage image of country! But - no, administration and supervisers there think one - MONEY!
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